What Makes a Great Video Production Company?

Chicago video production company

Producing a video can be worth the investment – if it’s done by the right video production company. When you come across a video on a company’s website, you naturally associate the video with the company. That’s where quality video production makes a difference.

Here in Chicago, there are a variety of companies that want to produce your video – knowing what to look for is important, especially when it comes down to choosing a company best suited to your needs.

Assessing a Video Production Company

  1. Are They Properly Invested and Interested in Your Company?
    You want to hire a video production company that makes the effort to know who you are and what your company does. Pay attention to the kind of questions they ask. Do they want to know how your company works? Are they passionate about your project too? A good work ethic is often driven by passion, especially when it comes to creative work like film. You want them to want to produce your video.
  2. Don’t Trust the Demo Reel Completely
    Most video production companies have demo reels on their websites. Remember, these are only short clips exhibiting the best of their videos. See if you can watch full videos produced by the company – you want to see if their videos successfully communicate a message, not just if it looks flashy and pretty.
  3. Step Back
    It’s great if you have your vision all planned out, but sometimes its restrictive if you take control of everything. You could be missing out on some good ideas from the creative experts, so it’s good to be open to ideas and step back once a while. Make sure that you allow them to show you what can be done, and that way you can really assess their skills.
  4. What’s on Offer
    Some video production companies are specialized in certain areas of video production and others offer the whole package – make sure you find out if they are able to complete the whole project in-house or will they be outsourcing some elements of your video.
  5. Do Your Research
    Make sure you do your research on the company – check out their google reviews and if possible call their clients to find out if they were happy with the service.

If you are looking to hire a video production company in the Chicago area then make sure you check out The Michael Group. We are a worldwide multimedia and video production company and our expertise in crafting dynamic content, along with our understanding of traditional and digital media, provides you with creative and visually stunning storytelling.