It seems everywhere you look, you see more and more people are talking about using videos in your marketing campaign. It makes sense if you think about it, currently there is a move geared towards online advertising due to the sheer amount of people with internet access by means of smartphones or computers. With this move comes a completely new side of marketing, namely marketing by means of video production. Okay so let us break down, why is marketing with video production such a great move forward for your business.
We are in the digital era where a large amount of content is found online. This is due to the fact that mobile devices and internet access create a whole new platform, which allows easy integration to push unique methods of advertising. Where even though we don’t like to admit it, most of us enjoy binge watching series on Netflix episode after episode or endlessly watching videos on YouTube one after the other. Therefore, it’s safe to assume that society in our current era enjoys the serialization of media and content. What better way to exploit this than to jump on the bandwagon and market your brand by means of video production.
You could just make a single video for your brand and hope it goes viral over-night, that’s certainly an advertiser’s dream. However, this is definitely a long shot attempt as there are so many videos out there already. So here, we’ll look at tips to help improve your marketing video production.
Okay so if you haven’t gathered already, this is a big one. By serializing your content, you give more to your viewers and gain more opportunities to bond with your audience. You are able to have a more personal connection with viewers as they always look forward to the next episode of your marketing video, which allows for a steady flow in website traffic and more page views from a single visitor. On top of this serialization allows you to tease back to previous videos you’ve made which generates interest to any new viewers.
This allows you to keep the attention of your viewers. Short videos are easier to digest and less likely to be skipped half way through, what would be the point of making a 10-minute video if no one will watch it to the end. This also allows you to focus on quality over quantity. Short videos also allow you to promote brand awareness across multiple platforms (Such as Instagram and Vine, which make use of only short videos).
By using captions in your marketing videos you make your content more accessible to a wider variety of viewers this includes those who are deaf. You give your viewers the option to consume your content in a way, which suits them. Consider the scenario where you’re at work and browsing Facebook, surely you can’t watch any videos with audio on and just like that by adding captions you’ve potentially got one more viewer who would have otherwise not have watched your video.
If your video is too static this will end up boring the user and you won’t be using videos to its full potential. The whole benefit of using marketing videos is that you can express and idea or story over multiple frames. This helps keep the viewer engaged and keeps their attention.
As the number of mobile users increases, so does the amount of video content created. Video marketing allows you to explain so much more than a simple advert would and allows you to invoke various emotions from your viewers. So, remember these tips and you will greatly improve your marketing video production strategy. It’s no secret that trust is the foundation of sales and videos do exactly this, they help build trust. One of the pillars of marketing is to engage with your audience and create a long-term relationship. What better way to do this than by creating videos that allows viewers to engage with your brand personally. So up your game by upping your marketing video production!