Production costs have fallen significantly in the past couple of years and the use of videos for social media marketing is at an all-time high. No matter what you are selling, it is vital that you develop a marketing video strategy involving all of the biggest video platforms. These platforms have shifted dramatically in the past 18 months. Facebook has taken the lead with more minutes being watched per day on its website than YouTube. In addition, Snapchat has taken the world by storm and we are now even seeing videos on Twitter.
The key to making use of these platforms is keeping your videos short. This will increase the number of platforms on which you can share them. Gone are the days where videos are only viewed on YouTube. Now you can make use of 6-second Vine videos, 15-second Instagram videos as well as 10-second Snapchat stories to share your content. Not only do these shorter snippets fit well into our hectic schedules and our short attention spans but they are also easier to share between mobile devices. Here are a couple of ways in which you can use short videos for marketing purposes:
How-to videos
One of the easiest ways to start spreading your content is to dive into the sea of videos which show you how something is done. This could include showing how to solve a particular problem or how to use your product. Once again it is about keeping your message short and breaking it down into its simplest form. There are a number of videos circulating on Instagram showing the breakdown of a 30-minute workout in just a couple of seconds. This is often done by way of split-screening the videos with an app called Pic Play Post. It is also useful to play around with having some of the instructions in written form and simply have the video illustrate the various steps.
Show what you can do
Another type of video you can make is one which show-casts the work your business does or the skills you possess. A great example is the Final Cut King, who creates special effect videos in an effort to advertise his business which involves teaching people filmmaking techniques and special effects. This allows the viewer to see the end result of the product.
Broadcast your events
It is useful to make short videos which broadcast your upcoming shows or events. This allows other people or businesses in your industry to get involved and share your content.
New products
The revealing of new products can be done just as effectively in a video. This method not only appeals to the natural curiosity of your clients but it can also be made quite fun and exciting.
A day in the life of
A new fun way to get connected with your customers is to allow them to have a look inside your company’s world and the people involved in it. Constant Contact has done this by making a short video of its employees having fun together while doing some charity work. Another example could be a virtual tour of the office and a short introduction of all the employees. This is a useful way to connect your clients to the people and not just the brand.
Keep it simple
There is no need to spend an excessive amount of money on producing these videos. Creativity is key and it is very often the simple videos which have the most impact. For effective marketing video production get in touch with The Michael Group and we will help you produce the videos you need.